
Needs of Whanganui transgender and gender diverse adults, youth, & parents of transgender children within primary healthcare services: A sector analysis.

McMenamin, K E. (2024).

Health & Research Collaborative (HARC), Whanganui, New Zealand.

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Asset-based evaluation of the South Taranaki Rural Health Primary Care Service.

McMenamin, K. E., & McMenamin, J. P. (2023).

Health and Research Collaborative. Whanganui, New Zealand.

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An asset-based evaluation of a novel New Zealand rural health service.

McMenamin, K., McMenamin, J. P. & Towers, A. (2023).

Evaluation Journal of Australia, 0(0), 1-13.

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Primary care experiences in the ‘Let’s test for HPV’ study: a qualitative analysis

Borchowsky, K., Rush, M.,Mullally, T., McBain, L., Hudson, B., McMenamin, J., Smith, D., Sykes p., & Garrett, S,. (2023)

Journal of Primary Health Care. DOI:10.1071/HC23038

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Resources and attitudes influence acculturation of deaf children with cochlear implants.

McMenamin, K. E., Welch, D., & Purdy, S. C. (2022).

Journal of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education. DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enac043

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Te Ranga Tupua: An Iwi (Tribal) Response to COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Boulton, A., Devine, T., McMenamin, K., Walsh-Tapiata, W. (2022).

International Journal of Indigenous Health, 17(1), 3-15.

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Deaf community views on paediatric cochlear implantation.

Putnam, B., Pivac Alexander, S., McMenamin, K., & Welch, D. (2022).

New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1549), 26-42.

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Pregnancy issues and outcomes in the Whanganui region - a literature review to inform the Hapū Māmā Village Project.

McMenamin, K. E. (2022).

A report for the Health and Research Collaborative (formerly Whanganui Regional Health Research Collaborative).

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Whanganui Regional Primary Healthcare Equity Snapshot 2021.

McMenamin, K. E. (2021).

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Analysis of cancer screening programmes within primary care: A sector engagement report.

McMenamin, K. E. (2021).

Commissioned by the National Screening Unit 2021.

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Cancer care at a crossroads: Realising the potential in primary care in New Zealand.

McMenamin, J. (2020).

Journal of Cancer Policy, Volume 23, 2020, 100213

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Older New Zealanders: addressing an emerging population of hazardous drinkers.

Towers, A., McMenamin, J., Newcombe, D., Sheridan, J., White G. (2019).

NZMJ 26 July 2019, Vol 132 No 1499.

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Cancer Care at a Crossroads: time to make a choice.

Sarfati, D., Macfarlane, S., Bissett, I., Robson, B., Gurney, J., Kemp, R., McMenamin, J. (2019).

The New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1493), 6.

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Respecting the culture: undertaking focus groups in Oman.  

Ryan, J., Al Sheedi, Y., White, G.E., Watkins, D. (2015).

Qualitative Research, 15 (3), 373 -388.

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Producing and utilising research

White, G.E. (2013).

Middle East Journal of Nursing: Barriers for a nursing faculty in Oman. 7(2), 3-8.

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Prevalence of abuse and mistreatment during clinical internship: A cross-sectional study among first year residents in Oman.

Al-Shafee, M., Al-Kaabi, Y., Al-Farsi, Y., White, G., Al-Maniri, A., Al-Adawi, S. (2013).

BMJ, 3:e002076.

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Transforming Education to Strengthen Health Systems in the Sultanate of Oman.

White, G.E. (2012).

SQUMJ, 12(4), 429 - 434.

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Comparison between Heads of Nursing and Nursing Administration Students in the Sultanate of Oman regarding Education for Nurse Administrators.

White, G.E. (2012).

SQUMJ, 12(3), 315 – 322.

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Is routine alcohol screening and brief intervention feasible in a New Zealand primary care environment.

Gifford, H., Paton, S., Cvitanovic, L., McMenamin, J., Newton, C. (2012).

New Zealand Medical Journal, 20212 125(1354): 17–25.

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A practical example: how alcohol screening and brief intervention can work in a real-life New Zealand primary-care environment.

Paton, S., McMenamin, J.P., Maynard, K. (2012).

Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2012 7(Suppl 1):A52

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Patient Dashboard: the use of a colour-coded computerised clinical reminder in Whanganui regional general practices.

McMenamin, J., Nicholson, R., Leech, K., Prim, J. (2011).

Health Care. 2011 Dec 1;3(4):307-10.

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