National Bowel Screening Programme - Primary Care Campaign May 2023

National Bowel Screening Programme - Primary Care Campaign May 2023/2024

Project Dates:

May 2023 - 2024

GP and Practice Nurse conversations to prompt Bowel Screening in Priority Populations

The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of the NBSP primary care campaign.  Data can demonstrate why there is a need for this intervention.  By focusing on increasing the participation of Māori and Pacific groups, the project is expected to illustrate an improvement in equity of participation in the NBSP.

As part of the NBSP primary care campaign there is the opportunity to answer these two questions:

  1. Does a campaign focusing on primary care increase FIT kit requests for NBSP Māori and Pacific groups?
  2. Does a campaign focusing on primary care increase participation for Māori and Pacific groups?

Project summary report:

Research project report:

Research project file:

Project documents:

There are no associated documents for this project.

Project updates:

There are no project updates for this project.
This project is completed.
Gout Stop continues as a clinical and community programme in Whanganui.

Project team:

Dr John McMenamin

Dr John McMenamin

Jonelle Russell

Jonelle Russell

Project collaborators:

There are no collaborators for this project.
